Hi all,

We’ve had a busy week, at the chase we split the junior class up Dave A took the new juniors and worked through some basic techniques and worked on bags they are improving with their confidence and their techniques. Nick took the orange belts and worked through their grading syllabus as they are grading Monday, there are room for improvement for a couple of students but looking good for the rest of the class so good luck to you guys for Monday.
Dave p took the brown belts and worked on pairs work and senior kata. We has our usual senior class and worked on basic techniques/combinations some set techniques in pairs and finished working on kata.
Tuesday I took josh through his grading syllabus and worked on his traditional stances and techniques and senior kata, his techniques were sharp and he put a lot of effort in so well done to you josh keep working hard and you will achieve your black belt!!
Nick took the rest of the class and worked on basics/combinations and finished on kata there is room for improvement with the girls but with a bit more confidence and hard work I’m sure you will get there keep working girls.
Thursday Dave P took the senior grades and worked on bag work set techniques in pairs and senior kata which was looking good from what I could see. Me and Dave A worked the rest of the class through set techniques on the bags then we split up the class and Dave took the new juniors and worked on some basics and combinations and some basic blocks and counters they coped ok and are improving with confidence. I took the rest of the class and worked on kata and they all know the moves well but there is work to do on some of the techniques but all in all I’m pleased with their effort and hard work so well done to you guys. For the senior class we worked on some basic and combinations and finished on senior kata.
We had some gradings over the last couple of weeks which all have past. At the chase I believe all the seniors have graded and passed so well done to you guys, I’ll sort out names and photos asap. Well done to you all.

Andy Wright has achieved his 8thkyu yellow belt with good grades so well done to you.


Tom Green has achieved his 4th kyu purple belt and has good grades so well done to you


Jordan Bass has achieved his 5th kyu blue belt and has good grades so well done to you.


We have a lot of stock of T shirts and polo shirts aswell as suits,pads and mitts and sweat shirts we are selling them at a reasonable price so speak to your instructor if you are interested.

That’s it from me
Bye for now.


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